Holiday Hustle - 5k race results:
Time: 22:30 (post-partum PR)
Place: 118 of 1076
AG: 9 of 84
- 16 Running Fit races completed along with two extra events
- Volunteer at 1 Running Fit race
- 3 Running Fit races missed: Dances with Dirt - Devils Lake, Pterodactyl Tri, and Run Vasa. The first two missed because I was preparing and taking my preliminary exam. Run Vasa missed because it was too close to my ultra.
- Completed my first triathlon and first ultra
- Dropped 1 min/mile off my best 1/2 marathon and 5k times from 2010
- 11 age group awards
- Favorite race - Dances with Dirt - Hell 50 mile
- Favorite event - Run Woodstock
- Race I wish I could afford to travel to again in 2012: Dances with Dirt - Green Swamp
- Least favorite race - Shamrocks and Shenanigans - needs some traffic management to deal with the fact that runners need to be able to pass walkers in the multiloop course
- Proudest accomplishment - finishing my first open water swim (800m) without stopping or panicking
- Over $1k spent on race registrations - but at least I have a ton of new tech shirts, beer glasses, mugs, and awesome memories
In addition in 2011:
- I fell in love with yoga
- Started running and working with with an awesome group of people at PR Fitness
What is up for 2012? More triathlons, shorter distance races (to focus more on speed and to have more time for other aspects of life), picking up the Running Fit races I missed in 2011, going for 10k and 1/2 marathon PRs.
All of this is subject to change if I end up going to Vancouver this summer and get a lottery place in the Knee Knocker - 30 mile race.
Quite a year you had glad to share so of those moments as well. Woodstock Feet deserves a whole story itself. Ouch. See you at PR Fitness.