Thursday, August 11, 2011

Red Carpet Run - 5k


Time: 23:19 (7:31 pace)
Place: 39 of 245
AG: 5 of 40

Barely made it to the race on time, weekday races are hard. I got stuck in stop-go traffic 1.3 miles from the race start. I needed to (a) get to the race, (b) warm up for at least a mile, and (c) use the facilities. I parked at an abandoned K-mart, ran into Duncan Donuts for a pit stop, and then ran to the race start for my warm up. I picked up my number just as they were calling 5 minutes for the start. A nice volunteer let me leave my glasses with her, as I had forgotten to take them off at the car.

The race itself went okay. My pace was steady the whole run, and I was spent at the end. I had my best 5k time this year, though it probably would have been faster if my bum wasn't crazy sore from squats in yoga class yesterday.

At the finish I got a wine glass (with wine) and I also got a diamond shaped prism for placing in my AG.

I was lame and didn't go with the theme of the race, which was to dress up like you were on the red carpet. I hate dressing up, and if I was on a red carpet for some reason, I might just wear my workout clothes. I did wear a necklace, which was annoying, and earrings, so some effort was made.

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