Some weeks are better than others. As you can see from the graph above, which shows my weekly running milage since July 2007, down weeks are pretty regular for me. If it's not homework or research deadlines, it's illness or travel. I got a nasty cold last week, which resulted in me only getting a few workouts in, and only one run.
This week has been much better. It's the first full week of classes at Michigan, which means new U-Move classes and new Triathlon Club workouts. I enjoyed my first yoga class on Wednesday and tonight I got in a much needed track workout.
I've added a new race to my bucket list. After watching Hood To Coast (trailer below) with Greg on Tuesday, we are ready eager to join the insanity. However, as registration fills on the first day (10 months before the event) our first chance wont be until 2012. Let me know if your interested in being on our team!
I'll babysit:) Right now I am walking a fast 5K every day..not quite the pace for a race, but probably fast enough to chase Cedric.